Išsaugojome net 75 medžius!

Vilnius, Lietuva

2023 metais Viršuliškių rajone, Vilniuje, turėjome ambicingą projektą – šilumos tiekimo tinklų rekonstrukciją. Įdomu tai, kad darbai vyko tuo metu, kai mieste buvo suvaržytas eismas dėl NATO viršūnių susitikimo, tačiau mums pavyko ne tik išlaikyti darbų tempą, bet ir pasirūpinti aplinkosauga.

Particular attention was paid to nature conservation: the project foresaw the felling of 10 trees, but in the face of the challenge, not only was not a single tree felled, but all 73 trees in the project area were saved. Two of them were even replanted so that they could continue to grow without interfering with the urban infrastructure. For this responsible approach to environmental protection, we received a thank you from Vilnius Heat Networks.

The project has shown that it is possible to achieve technological progress without sacrificing environmental principles. We are pleased to contribute to the well-being of Vilnius city and its inhabitants by ensuring that the heat supply is not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

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